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Newcastle Anglican Communications

Guess Again!

 Egypt                 Somme

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Since 1915, one day in the year has involved the whole of Australia in solemn ceremonies of remembrance, gratitude and national pride.

That day is Anzac Day - 25 April.

Why does the nation pause to commemorate what most historians choose to describe as a failure or a sad series of blunders?

It is because every person and every nation must, sooner or later, come for the first time to a supreme test of quality; and the result of that test will hearten or dishearten those who come afterwards.

For Australia as a nation that first supreme test began in the early hours of Sunday 25 April 1915 on the Gallipoli Peninsula in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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In 1956, life moved at a gentler pace. People seemed to have more time for each other, their family and friends.

However, the Anglican Church of Newcastle recognised that many older members of the community were in need of care and support.

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Guess Again!

Jesmond Grove, 1965  

CA Brown, 1956

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As an Easter tradition, decorative eggs date back as far as the 13th Century. In Christianity, it’s believed that eggs were formerly a forbidden food during the Lenten season, so people would paint and decorate them to mark the end of the period of penance and fasting.

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