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Meet our volunteer superstars


Richard Fellows - St Peter's Parish, East Maitland

St Peter's Parish would like to nominate Mr Richard Fellows. Richard has worshipped at St Peter’s since 1983 and has supported the Parish in many varied roles since that time.

He was part of our pastoral care team since 1984 and served on our Parish Council for over 20 years. He has been a Server since 2000 and has been a part of our gardening team since 2013. Richard is the most selfless and caring person, always around the parish grounds working tirelessly in the garden and always available to support and care for parishioners.

We would like to thank and recognise Richard for his dedication to St Peter’s and acknowledge all he does in the name of the Parish.

Stephen Mendham - CA Brown Lodge 

CA Brown Lodge would like to put forward a very special volunteer Stephen Mendham, who has volunteered with us for more than 14 years. Stephen comes in twice a week, takes a consumer out on weekly trips to the cemetery so he can visit his wife, and conducts meaningful activities (he gives up his own time at home to make sure he has the right resources and information to carry out the activity).

Stephen also has a strong knowledge of local history and finds the time to put together a reminiscing activity that meets residents' interests. He is a very kind-hearted, well-liked, and respected individual.

Helen Shearer - The Parish of Singleton 

The Parish of Singleton has chosen Mrs Helen Shearer as our superstar. Helen has been a dedicated and supportive Church Warden, both appointed by the church community and selected by the Rector, for over 30 years.

A very practical person, Helen has always been proactive and actively involved in all aspects of church life, from liaising with tradespeople, working on the finance committee, buying the toilet paper and hand towel supplies – the list goes on!Helen Shearer 

Helen has been involved in our Op Shop since its inception in 2010.

She is on the roster several times per month, helps sort donations twice weekly, and empties the donation bins twice or more weekly.

Helen is a PowerPoint operator at worship, on the reading and welcoming rosters for worship, the counting and banking rosters, and the cleaning roster at All Saints’ - and has been for many years. 

Helen enjoys gardening and has a beautiful garden, which she willingly shares to host garden parties to raise funds for mission and for social gatherings.

Helen is a remarkable woman. She is energetic and committed, dedicated and kind - a wonderful example of a Christian life well-lived and a hard-working volunteer.

Mary Irwin - Scenic Lodge, Merewether

Scenic Lodge would like to nominate Mary Irwin, who started on 21 May 2013.

Mary comes every Thursday; she attends to our Lolly Trolley, visiting each resident to see if they wanted to get anything, goes around selling raffle tickets, painting fingernails, looking for missing clothing, and takes part in morning tea and bus outings.

Mary is a wonderful volunteer, and all the residents enjoy her friendly smile and chats.

Janelle Bidner - Manning Valley Anglican College

JanelleBidnerJanelleBidnerJanelle is enthusiastically taking on the role of P&F president.

She is at the forefront of initiating some great incentives and aims to lift the profile of the P&F to encourage more parents and caregivers to join.

Janelle has had previous experience in fundraising roles, and with great success! 

We are very blessed to have her join the team for MVAC and look forward to working together throughout the year.

Janelle has big plans and ideas, and we cannot wait to see how the effects of this trickles through to the students.


Naomi Smith (Jesmond Grove) and Ann Monck (Storm Village) 

Jesmond Grove nominated Naomi, who is one of the team's most dedicated volunteers, while Storm Village put forward Ann - one of the site's craft ladies. 

Well done and thank you to these seven superstars, and to our volunteers across all Newcastle Anglican agencies.

If you'd like to nominate someone, please email before 5pm this Friday (12 May) and tell us why you are nominating them.











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