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Communing with creation

: Walk or look around you slowly. Notice if some member of creation attracts your attention, a cloud, a tree, a plant indoors. Allow yourself to linger, to pause at whatever attracts your attention and be present to what is there. Use your senses to take in the wonder of this creature: the colours, shapes, smells, textures.

Listen: What might this being be trying to tell you? What might God be saying to you through this element of creation? Consider entering into dialogue with this member of creation, calling to mind St. Francis talking to the birds and calling Brother Sun and Sister Moon. You might ask a question. Then listen. Just be open to what might arise.

Love: When you are ready to leave, find a way to offer love, by saying thanks, offering a prayer to God for this encounter, wishing your new friend well. Find a way to acknowledge the gift you have received and your desire to give something in return.

To contemplate creation is to hear a message, to listen to a paradoxical and silent voice. Don’t just listen to humans, listen, and learn from, animals, birds, the sky, and the land. This can be done inside or outside.

Following the success of the Meaningful Meander, Anglican EcoCare Newcastle will be encouraging other parishes to do similar things in the near future.

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