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Safeguarding our beautiful planet


Season of Creation

The Prophet Amos cries out: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24).


This year, the symbol for the season is a mighty river. We are gifted with many mighty rivers across our Diocese, from the Hunter to the Manning to the Hawkesbury.


The people with whom we live and work and pray have strong connections to the rivers, and enjoy their beauty.


It is incumbent upon us to fight for their survival, to be free from pollution and overfishing, and from the deluge of micro-plastics filling our waterways. 


The world is also facing more frequent and devastating impacts from the changing climate. We know the coming summers will be long and hot.

Drought and fires will affect many. We have the opportunity to lead the way through prayer and action, repenting for misuse of what God has given us, and striving to safeguard this beautiful planet for future generations.

A prayer for climate change:


Holy God,
Earth and air and water are your creation, 

and every living thing belongs to you: 

have mercy on us as climate change confronts us.

Give us the will and the courage
to simplify the way we live,
to reduce the energy we use,
to share the resources you provide, and to bear the cost of change.

Forgive our past mistakes and send us your Spirit,

with wisdom in present controversies

and vision for the future to which you call us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Church of England - a service of the word for Creationtide).


Here are some upcoming events across our Diocese:

Gum tree service - Saturday 2 September at Blue Gum Hills Regional Park, Minmi, from 11am. There will be an opportunity for a short walk before the service and a BYO picnic lunch may follow.

Season of Creation - Sunday 3 September to Sunday 1 October.

Spring Community Eco-Fair - Saturday 9 September at St John's Parish, Cooks Hill, from 9am to 2pm. Meet activist groups, support local vendors, and enjoy a picnic on the lawn.

Environmental service - Sunday 8 October in Christ Church Cathedral with Senator David Pocock.


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