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What does 'led by the people we support' mean to you?

Here are some of the responses we received (click the dots at the bottom to scroll across):

Listen, engage, and embrace their individual way of life; supporting and meeting their needs to make new normal an easy transition; allowing the opportunities to flourish with them leading the way; always interacting with empathy, kindness and care.
Listening and understanding the needs of the people we support.
Taking a 'person centred' approach to everything I do; assessing how the changes we make impact the people we support and ensuring it’s positive; consistently finding ways to connect myself and my team to the front line; and hearing the stories and wishes of the people we support.
Giving the people we support opportunities to have their voice heard and not making assumptions on what they need to flourish. Ensuring we hire, coach and retain employees who share this same philosophy and making sure we design work and jobs, so our staff have the opportunity to CONNECT with the people we support.
Supporting people on how they want to be supported.
Servicing our community with equity and giving a voice to the voiceless.
That we are customer focused, and we make 'them' a priority to meet 'their' needs.
It means that we don't define people's needs and life goals, they independently define them, and we assist them to accommodate/reach them.
It means I am safe at work, that my workplace will not tolerate racism, sexism, inequality, or hateful speech or actions.
To me it means that for us to move forward, we need to listen to the people we support.



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