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Groups claim prizes for crafty work

‘Loops of Love’ was the result of outstanding teamwork by the Knit and Knatter group members, who created their own individual loops.

The diversity in colour and styles of each loop reflects the many personalities and histories of the people who made them.

When joined together, the ‘Loops of Love’ became a fun, colourful creation, reflecting the lovely friendships made in the group.

‘Alkira’s Heart’, which took about three months to create, highlights what we can achieve when we all work together towards a common goal.

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The rainbow heart is also a symbol of diversity represented by the many participants who attend the centre and sends a welcoming message of acceptance and love.

Alkira was not the only winner from the show.

Jesmond Grove’s Sunset/Beach unit also won 1st prize for its pineapple jam under the Jam made from a single tropical fruit category.

It’s believed to be the first time Jesmond Grove has entered any food into the show. Well done to all involved for a great result!

Check out the winning recipe below.

Pineapple Jam - Newcastle Show Winner


1 whole fresh pineapple

1 pkt Jamsetta

3 cups sugar


  • Place jam jars and lids in 90 degree oven to sterilise.
  • Cut peel from pineapple, remove ‘eyes’ and core. Cut flesh into pieces.
  • Pulse the pieces in a blender to shred the pineapple. (Be careful not to over-blend, as you don’t want to liquify the pineapple.)
  • Place the shredded pineapple into a saucepan and bring to boil.
  • Add 1 pkt Jamsetta. Stir to incorporate and boil for 1 minute.
  • Add 3 cups of sugar and return the mixture to a boil for 1 minute.
  • Ladle into prepared jars, leaving ½ to 1cm headspace.
  • Once jars are sealed with lids, carefully wash away any spilled jam from the outside of the jars with warm, soapy water.

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