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There is a better future if we embrace it: Bishop Peter

Dear friends,

Aunty Di and Jenny Gillis are our two most senior aboriginal leaders. They have blessed us by sharing their reflections on the referendum.

Newcastle Anglican, through its Synod, gave strong support to the referendum. We believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be recognised.

They must also be recognised as the ongoing custodians of this land. Those who have come later share custodianship with them.

Newcastle Anglican also believes that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be heard on matters that impact them.

The referendum proposed a specific form of transformational change and was defeated. The underlying needs that motivate our policy position remain.

Our nation needs to find meaningful forms of action that address these concerns.

Moving more generally, I am concerned that we have a short political cycle. We are also seeing a move to polarised wedge politics.

This risks a decline in the levels of cross-party parliamentary cooperation. We need them to work well together to address long term strategic issues.

If that fails, we will see a decline in our human and physical infrastructure. This will have significant consequences for our grandchildren and great grandchildren. We need our politicians to do better.

Personally, I remain very grateful to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who share with me their view of the world. I learn from them.

Our colonial and continuing history contains some shocking incidents. There is a better future if we have the courage to embrace it.

As a Christian leader, I believe this approach reflects the way of Jesus. In the Gospels, we see Jesus point to the way of love and inclusion in which barriers between people are broken down.



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